Friday, 27 December 2019

Deformații profesionale la cerere pentru bărbați pensie asigurată

Active Truth Selective Society

Real Anarchist Intra-national-Green-Blue-Purple  

Balkan Conservative Romania Super-Vision-Mega-Movement 

"10 Ceaune" Vote Empowerment Non Stop Party

0.Analbia, 1.Bitonia, 2.Doiernica, 3.Saxophonia, 4.Dinamica, 5.Rimelnia, 6.Cleansia, 7.Guzgania, 8.Nimenia and 9.Țipenia  

Revolution for sale. Who's Buying Romanian Revolution?

The most expensive anti-communist revolution was the Romanian one, measured in thousands of victims. Same time, it is the worst, evident today by the huge disappearance rate of its citizens, measured in millions.

This harmful combination of expensive and lack of quality is still practiced and has even become mandatory. The organizing elite can metamorphose into anything, but itself it cannot reach because it's too cheap and "this shouldn't be done".

If you ask them, you find that things are going well. They have proven that without them there can be no revolution. The people remain anonymous in their pains which they turn into obligatory smiles. The people continue to look at them with confidence and hope.

There are no praises which they cannot control with their precise devices and their vaguely friendly agents. They give the reassuring impression that everything is under control. There may be some problems, but they are smaller than others'. Nowhere is it better than home.

Nationalism is self-mutilation through systematic slaughter of language. How do you realize that someone is a foreigner if you don't speak their language? How can you be proud that you don't know a particular language? Why do you speak a language you do not want to know?

The first step of freedom is refusing to obey. The second comes after suffering. Only the third implies social rationality. Romanians have remained for decades at the first step: they practice non-respect for common sense and the most sinister evidence. Why? Who are they listening to?

Who gives advice on TV on good behavior and fake disobedience? If you listen to them, you learn that they have opposed communism and have overcome it. But the truly persecuted have no visibility. Only the well-trained can make revolution. They're so fake for you to be able to be truthful.

Religion and Politics: Twins Desperate for Individuality

Our first mistake is knowing ourselves created in the image and likeness of a God who is jealous and loving same time. Fact that is full of mistakes makes Bible beautiful and useful. Getting out of it is the only reason to keep on reading it.

Not having and not needing Bible is sign of happy heathens before Genesis. Not an easy position to take. Creation can be deciphered as an alphabet that we invented ourselves. There's nothing wrong with adding to Bible, which is the only desire for human writing, the encryption of creation for rediscovery.

Knowing oneself God is today's only civilized reason. Irrationality cannot be identified from outside, where everything makes sense. My interior is my inferior and also yours, but only from outside. Our union results of resonance and origin. Any writing represents rationalization of the irrational and that's why it remains impossible. If it doesn't, it is tautological, weak and soon collapses as all idle things.

Worst skill acquired in schools is talking about unread books for scoring high marks. To claim knowledge while having absolutely no idea on the subject is the opinion about improvisation of mediocrei. They usually denigrate it while having the feeling that it's a skill they actually master. Atheists reject Bible without reading it, for its separation from scientific language. They cannot create a strong and real opposition, which would require knowledge of the book.

Science has an evolutionary theory about religion, but religion is not capable of embracing science without blaming its fraudulence. It has become dominated by atheists in disguise who guard the preservation of a cultural order. Relating own rite with others is a duty. Any denial of ecumenism is a political act. Using technology for eulogy of primitivism is commonplace and practically explains why we need to meet the lack of human quality in order to estimate its opposite.

Between religion and politics there is the same relationship as between individual and society. Perception of these dimensions in the multidimensional ensemble cannot be replaced by anything. To which to attach a certain change? Both religion and politics claim a monopoly over rationality, without being able to have it. They are true schools of falsification of perception and awareness. Of God we speak only in first person, and of religion only third person. About society in first person and about individualism in third person.

We all have the more to learn as situation gets worse and the more it affects. Cinematography and television are moralizing and they are forced to address as many as possible. They carefully select topics and presentation mode. When not having access to construction plan, we contemplate the results and imagine their reason for creation. Votes replace lack of individual expression which is impossible although easily imaginable. Voting in the field of arts mimics the role of participant in the act of creation, which risks being identified with its own imitation, like a music concert with its printed DVD. 

Revoluție de vânzare! Cine cumpără revoluție românească?

Cea mai scumpă revoluție anticomunistă a fost cea românească, măsurată în mii de victime. Totodată, a fost și cea mai proastă, lucru evident prin rata uriașă de dispariție a cetățenilor, care se măsoară azi în milioane.

Lucrurile scumpe și proaste sunt în continuare cumpărate, ba încă au ajuns chiar obligatorii. Elita organizatoare se poate metamorfoza în orice, doar la sine însuși nu se poate ajunge, pentru că e prea ieftin și așa ceva nu se face. 

Întrebând această elită afli că lucrurile stau foarte bine. Au dovedit că fără ei nu există revoluție. Poporul rămâne la fel de anonim în durerile sale care se transformă în zâmbete obligatorii. Poporul continuă să îi privească cu încredere și speranță. 

Nu există elogii pe care să nu le controleze cu aparatele lor precise și cu agenții lor vag prietenoși. Dau impresia liniștitoare că totul este sub control. Ar exista niște probleme, însă ele sunt mai mici decât ale celorlalți. Nicăieri nu e mai bine ca acasă.

Naționalismul e o automutilare obligatorie realizată prin masacrul sistematic al limbajului. Cum îți dai seama că cineva e străin dacă nu îi vorbești limba? Cum să te poți mândri că nu cunoști o anumită limbă? De ce vorbești o limbă pe care nu vrei să o cunoști? 

Primul pas al libertății este nesupunerea din obișnuință. Al doilea vine după suferință. Abia al treilea presupune raționalitate socială. Românii au rămas de zeci de ani la primul pas: practică nesupunerea față de bunul simț și de cea mai sinistră evidență. De ce? Pe cine ascultă ei?

Cine apare la televizor dând indicații de bună purtare și povești ale falsei îndărătnicii? Dacă îi asculți, afli că s-au împotrivit comunismului și că au biruit. Însă adevărații persecutați nu au vizibilitate. Doar omul bine pregătit poate face revoluție. El e așa de prefăcut tocmai ca să nu te prefaci tu într-un monstru lipsit și nesătul.