Wednesday 15 May 2024

The Most Talented Prodigious Puppy You Have Never Heard of

All good people are taken as enemies, to the honorable court that is going to pronounce the sentence on June 11, 24, I oblige myself to complete my report. The man in pain and using substances on the test-pill list announced his use in 2014, when he petitioned the United Nations to legalize cannabis. What is missing is the connection to the doctor and the testing forums. It is not recommended to arrive at a hospital without prior appointment with a specific doctor on a specific subject. The man brought in at midnight by the police to confirm the test-pill verdict gave urine for confirmation, but did not want the intravenous needle and was forced to undergo the covid test procedure. This unpleasant act brings a chemical cocktail into contact with the nasal mucosa that is unnecessary and with obvious and quantifiable repercussions for the health system. These tests need to be able to be refused by anyone at any time, since their (yet) hypothetical general applications are a disaster. I write this page in the hope that the prosecutor investigating the case of the refusal to take biological samples consults the personal view of the accused who does not deny the fact but explains and mixes all kinds of hype, book launches, movies, videos, well, dear friends, as you know on April the 10th the work entitled "The Chronicle of Aladdin" was published on Apple, Amazon and all other platforms and therefore I am in Timișoara celebrating with dear friends on whom passed a whole pandemic and I see the police stop my van behind a supermarket parking lot, in a wasteland, me being with the Google navigator who had gone crazy, and says it is a raid, then I, a great cheerful writer, say that I do not remember drinking anything, the breathalyzer test is zero, [...] now put this test-pill in your mouth, we wait until it it gets blue, we sit for half an hour, my mouth is dry but I am not allowed to drink water, the police stop another car for witnesses for the test, the test-pill is still not blue, the policeman is looking for my music on the internet, never heard of the band called Blazzaj, my most successful project from Timisoara, play the first YouTube link, the song Blazzaj, you're not on stage, policeman notices after a few seconds, I composed this song, I invented this word, he wants to see me play, choose another link, avant-garde jazz, can not listen, forward it disdainfully, I give them the test-pill under the tongue, in the trunk of the police is a machine that says I am positive for cannabis, the police searches all my pockets, goes to the van, searches five minutes and finds, there is a plastic tea bag near the gear shifter, I do not know anything about it, who put it there, who gives me such a gift, should tell me too, I am in the police car, we are going to the hospital, the nurse ask me about covid, stick something in my nose and twist and feels horrible, I feel hurt while I wait there, where the policeman says, on the corridor, I behave properly with him but it is obvious that he does not like me, the doctor come ask me if I agree to take my blood, no thanks, I do not want to be pricked, they find who knows what in my car, now they are finding stuff in my blood, another doctor come talking to me for neurological exam, I sign and we go to the police, we enter the police yard, one of them suggest handcuffing me, the other say it is not necessary, we enter the building, walk the corridors, climb the steps, we are in a sort of lecture hall, well after midnight, one of the policemen closed eyes and seems to have fallen asleep, the other is writing my statement, my license is being held, I am not allowed to drive but I am being brought back to my van, Gabi have been waiting for me for hours on the side of the road, where we were stopped, we are trying to understand how that plastic teabag got there, if I knew it was planted there, I had tens of minutes to make it fall out the window, THC is detected after months for days, I use essential oils and petition for legalization, the test-pill stays in the mouth for a few minutes, I kept it as much as the policeman said, more than triple, what to do with a van full of musical instruments, I am not allowed to drive it, I am forced to leave it in Timișoara, how will I get to Sibiu, how will I get to Tulcea, I spend the night there, on the side of the road, who to call first thing tomorrow morning, I go around the car, park it better, it has recently been vandalized, the left headlight does not work, where can I find a criminal lawyer on Saturday morning, what should I tell him, I am detected by agents under the influence of cannabis on public roads, I am not allowed to drive, I get a criminal record for refusing to give biological samples for who needs nomadic musicians who write civic education texts, mr. Prosecutor, I reject the validity of a test-pill applied in some very complicated personal circumstances that include the death of my mother in a hospital during the pandemic and which is done in the name of a very dangerous ideal of justice; if ideally every automobile is to be asking the driver for a test pill in order to start the engine, the list of target substances is unaffordable and the man ends up being punished for a chamomile tea from the list of medical merchants. Thank you for your attention and please forward to all necessary forums. Following for compliance there are four relevant articles on the death of my mother from "Aladdin's Chronicles" titled “Fake News Alert Please Do Not Share", "The Compulsory Witch Hunt in the Balance of Power", "Are Masks Too Many or Too Few" and "Mother Gets Killed by the Satire Manual". On September 26, 2023, I visited DIICOT (terorism and organized crime police division) in Temeswar, which is preparing the documents for me to be indicted for possession of 0.9 grams of weed. It is not comfortable to be in front of judgment, and it is not something anyone should seek. There are lessons to be learned from this for all, and especially for those who read whistleblowing reports because they are responsible for the fulfillment of the law, and can be influenced and urged in one way or another. Their actions should remain confidential, and at the disposal of the judge who distinguishes between intransigence and indifference applied in institutional practice. For a fairer and healthier society through transparency it is crucial to talk about drugs to young people, and the current approach can be improved following a process. That is why I do not feel threatened as much as I want to provide a message about the rarity of those who immerse themselves in work to forget the problems of life, and who resort to various drinks along the way. By studying universal history we make a psychedelic knowledge that is as beneficial and inevitable as it is dangerous. The media is flooded with aggressive and ignorant attitudes that criminalize, and that cannot be ameliorated by responsible discussion. Life is compelling only when we play a role, no one wants their life to be made public, and it is an undertaking that requires a certain amount of discretion from anyone. My hope is that a fair trial involves both punishment and reward for the actions of the accused, which outline the timeline of addiction and lead to easy withdrawal. There are people inside everything, and every drug on the list outside of cannabis is a product of the pharmaceutical industry, with countless public relations experts with many billions in business, and there is no counterbalance to them. They rely on cannabis to crack down on synthetic drug flies. Honesty is measured by everyone. The pill test is not randomized when the presence of a frame of the institution not named for confidentiality is proven in the file. Surveillance uses electronic tracking and communication, I am stopped and searched, evidence is found in the van that is not mine. Finding evidence in blood that is not mine can be a deadly decision in a hospital. I apologize to all the doctors who saved so many lives but are directed as they are by the pharmaceutical industry. I was married to a doctor during her studentship at UMF Temeswar, during residency in Kolozswar and Temeswar, and in several cities during residency in the UK, which include Brighton and Cambridge. I have been thirteen years behind the office of an ENT surgeon at the head of the Canterbury hospital, with whom I emigrated during our marriage, at the beginning of the writing of the volume entitled "The Chronicle of Aladdin", the release of which is announced for months in advance on the very day of being stopped by the police crew. It is a drug raid behind a supermarket parking lot, where the navigator leads me. I was glad to see the policeman as a lost man in need of guidance in hellish traffic conditions, barely escaping with his life from some dark, unmarked, potholed roundabouts, ending up on the wrong street using the arrow on the screen. The navigator belongs to the cameraman, who is also on vacation, which I am taking to his sister's in Dumbrăvița, we are coming from Iosefin where we visited Nada Stojic. I was in Timișoara on the day of the launch, because it is a place with friends and with the nostalgia of being a student, and I assure you that there is no other intentionality on my part, the model of Jesus Christ is the one that is, there is no profit from following the word of God, but only persecution, and most end up like the prophet Jonah in the belly of the Leviathan. I refused the needle in the hospital because I like my life with all its problems, so I am careful with the van, as the insurance certifies. I know what cannabis is, I am a long time recipient of the therapy and advocate of its qualities, and it surely would be medically proven. I declare in all honesty that the found package does not belong to me, and that whoever makes such gifts should tell me, too. I am not a recreational user, but harvest from spontaneous nature to treat my rheumatism and bipolar syndrome without the use of Penicillin, Moldamin, Mydayis, Xanax or other specialist references. Uncoincidentally in the hand of fate is the volume "The Chronicle of Aladdin", whose chosen subject is the vaccine to reject the dangerous drug that is communism. To write it, I needed to declare myself in the position of parallel president of a fictional party in 2014, when I petitioned the United Nations for the legalization of cannabis. This risky journalistic position was supported by the family, since the economic activity suffered as a result of the uncomfortable writings published on the blog, in which the highest institutions of the state are analyzed for example in the textbook of satire. Discrediting the author as drug addict seems to be no more difficult than a test pill. The bravado attitude in political participation is not recommended, and especially when it is doubled by the need for writings that may or may not remain in the anonymity of a corner of internet. Individual actions are not random, but hope to influence certain environments, each with its own kind of reality-tested censorship, and whose operation is predictable. I ask the honorable court to consider the fact that on that very day I was making my debut as a writer, and with a book full of healthy irreverence. Paul Goma had to leave the country in the ‘80s for a similar offence. Being similarly urged, I cannot immigrate and am attempting the impossible, which is the immediate placing, by your decision, of "Aladdin's Chronicles" on the high school reading list recommended by the ministry of education. Life is hard for the freelance artist and journalist who can not capitalize on their work. Since 2003, the Lezaj group, which wants to be called Blazzaj, has been active in Temeswar, and released an album with the wrong name in 2023. Permission to use the name is not given, and whoever heard the music and orders a concert, calls someone else than the author. I invented this name for a musical group that includes me and is able to perform according to the score. The one who paints the wall red when you ask it to be white is not called a craftsman, but a criminal who kicks you out of the house. These are the facts, and I cannot stand with anyone who is their friend. We are all persecuted, since it is not appropriate, for the sake of development of language, to punish those who do not understand the words on stage, but we encourage them and leave them there, for one reason or another. For compensation, I ask the honorable court to order the state to acquire the work "A gram of minutes", for exhibition in parliament, with the fulfillment of the expectoral of "Aladdin's Chronicles". This modest welcome breath of fresh air needs your blessed intervention. For the price of three military planes we acquire a Vital Institution for Temporary Social Balance. The consequences we are experiencing are due to undisclosed facts to those who wait breathlessly. I have entered the land of shame and the editor is afraid to publish. New things are seldomly looked upon with a smile. Courage that makes a person also makes a soldier. Psychology teaches us to see phenomena that occur naturally in all collectivities. Decency always needs coagulation to assert itself, for it covers a wound of continual desolation. Devotion and abandonment to different causes are to be identified in each judgment. The police brought a driver to the hospital at night in order to determine whether he represents social danger. The breathalyzer was zero and my behavior was impeccable during the entire interview. I cannot explain the policeman's decision to continue to address a 48-year-old man in a white van as well as a drunken 18-year-old. A pill that guarantees the man is bad because he has flu or uses a list of substances is inadmissible also because the testing takes hours, and with risky and invasive sticks, pills and needles. This fact leads directly to stigmatization, torture and genocide. One who promotes a plant is being investigated for terrorism. The list of prohibited substances is made by everyone for himself based on the teaching he has. It is natural to know what they do, how they are used, the risks and contraindications, but also how they are prepared and procured. It is natural to be carefully selected and prepared, and not very cheap and handy. It is natural that there are places where they are forbidden and blamed, but it is not allowed to be extended to the present level, which is the maximum. In a free country like mine, laws are always bad before they are changed. The paradoxical being of man often feels an existential emptiness, which is answered by juices, teas and wines. It is inadmissible to ban in our culture, but rather the right use to go where it should, and when it bothers, to know who and why. Addiction is remedied in a normal institutional setting, where everyone registers to receive quality goods and not exposed to the risks of smuggling. The inside of the package cannot be verified by trading, here is the most deadly problem. The breath test was zero, not because I stopped drinking, I had beer in the car that I was going to open at my destination. Forbidding a thing also works as a magnet in reverse psychology. The school teacher president and choir director mayor had brought the society to a zealous pedagogical level. The communist needs an absolute truth, like a test-pill he uses to decide whether to send to jail. Without it, nothing can be judged and understood. The infallible answer is always a specially formulated question leading to witch hunt. The quick and drastic solution implemented today is the consequence of health scare in the pandemic version, which is not new to everyone. It needs an appeasement that would be a shame to delay. The frightened man is vulnerable and believes any nonsense put forth for profit. Wisdom is precious because it is buried by greed and malice like a diamond in the bowels of the earth. It is not much longer and the atrocity becomes overwhelming. The Non-Discretionary Organization System takes into account both random deployment and the adjustment of existing intervention. Continuous adjustment inevitably leads to destruction, and there is a lot to save in a very short time. 50 years ago, when I was born, man was being forced to abandon the agricultural machinery and organization used for millennia in favor of industrial development. We are now glued to the screen in the process of learning new habits that make the eyes flee to expertly crafted places. More interconnected and divided than ever, we receive increasingly poignant lessons designed to change us through new details and expertly established preferences. There are always things in the balance that are lost, and luckily they get learned in the first 7 years. They are the first to be saved for humanity. Although I like pen and paper, I have been using the phone for a few years now, so adaptation has a chance to come if one is willing to let go. I do not quit smoking, others do, I understand why and how I get discouraged, and remember that nicotine has been continuously prescribed by doctor for hundreds of years. I know it can be a nervous tic, and I do not light one after another. Reputable physicists have been seen to miscalculate the speed of light, and it does not come out the same twice. It is true that the Master reeks of alcohol, but his work is what it is, and we also take into account the assistants who help record the work of the laboratory. The pill is a tool of power practice as the drug intervenes in the self-promoting confidence of the individual. The Master's Knife used daily becomes a tortious body when put to a new use. What kind of object is this? Who has access to it? Who wields it? Who does it help and who does it bother on a daily basis? What other people are involved? Does it matter who built it? The reality is gradually known. The test pill presupposes the immediate existence of a huge wall that you are not allowed to pass because there is no door and that fractures you like an entry ticket. Things change radically when the entrance ticket exists. Being bombarded daily with media information about addicts, we always find ourselves in another position that we can only imagine until we meet the man. When and how is up to chance. It is risky that the state continues to ban the entry ticket, because the gap that the drug covers, or rather the wound that it heals in the hospital, is most perverted by untaxed private hands. When our ideal is health, we want the first meeting to be edifying on a psychologically oriented consumption. Every tool has its edge, and it can be handled in any way. We can make use of it, or we forbid it and leave it to chance. Read by the desire to make the world's show a good one, we do not ignore this vital ban on the mental health of the masses, defined by lack of self-control. There would be a lot to do until police assistance, and the psychological one is not the first at hand. The Vital Nondiscretionary Organization System for Temporary Social Equilibrium SONVEST is the conceptual tool responsible for trusting the benefits of consumption, whether done in a group or alone. As in the "Chronicle of Aladdin" I write a course on democracy, this is how I am obliged by institutional intervention to make a course on terrorism, which institution was notified. SONVEST is the decision-making framework that leads to addiction and liberation, and its purpose is to synchronize the cycle between person and society. This genuinely personal integration corporation is meant to manage reward satisfaction, but also the way it is received. The success of the substance for the body is due to the fact that it cheats and directly addresses the receiver: the receiver is itself. Man dies if he is more and more happy with less and less. The soldier in battle uses it for moments of excessive stress, but those who work do not use it daily because of the adverse effects. This is the framework that reveals itself to one who pursues addiction with the intention of breaking it. Man has a path to follow to see himself in the Platonic cave, and it is a tangled story with many characters and plot threads. The power drunk does not recognize that the solution to the drug problem is to end clumsy and cumbersome prohibition, which basically advertises the list. As long as they are unable to recognize and see this, they become drunk with the image of own righteousness. There are so many horrible things happening on our streets every day that are not caused by drugs, but by people with the best intentions. How a certain substance can harmonize the good intentions of people has long been the definition of the holy grail. To look for it in a powder or liquid, even if it reaches through a humble carrot, is a human comedy called science. Science says not to prohibit, but to recommend, in a world dominated by panic and taboo. Science also knows when we fight each other, how much and why, and tells each of us just enough to get us moving. It also deals with economic and social growth, but SONVEST separately identifies economic and social in terms of the liberation equation. Man also makes good things in addition to bad things: the economic is good for man and bad for society, and in the social field it is the other way around, good for society and bad for man. The same equation that binds you and unbinds you. We have come to love some nonsense that deceives and divides us. It is one thing to deal with a banned substance, and another to deal with an undeclared substance. That it is forbidden to drive, it is as just and simple as to have shoes on your feet if it is cold outside. That it is verified by a study that suspects it as the major cause of the accident is doubtful. It is alarming that there is razing on a minor road behind a parking lot. That it takes as long as a baptism and requires witnesses is outrageous. I certify to the honorable court that testing is an abuse, does more harm and is a violation of dignity. A descent to the school level of the understanding of the social contract is extremely dangerous to be experienced from the state body. It is not allowed to make economy of thought with the help of such test-pills. The agent has to collect criminals on the public roads and must invent them on demand. Other constructive function of the test-pill is unknown. The protection it offers on the road is questionable. The interest it arouses in the smoke of mystery that surrounds the list of substances is undeserved. There are sick minds and young people who fall prey to them. Safety and confidence in ourselves first, so we can beat what the police are dealing with. The state is not allowed to act as if it had a duty to eradicate, by its laws, the plants and customs of other peoples, with the fervor with which it once fought against slavery. With so much war and violence we forget to be human, and there are too few compensatory cultural exchanges. Some exchanges are willy-nilly, and he who hates them avenges others also by association. The consumption of listed substances remains idealized and will increase in theaters, cinemas and books. It is a shame, and I avoid that artistic use, which disgusts me as I am often ashamed to be human.The application of the test-pill is perverse and disguised marketing in virtue. The young person rather needs to be with a tutor in a park, library or school, than the police, hospital or in front of the television, open where it should not, when they learn about addiction. The first impression sometimes makes the difference, and SONVEST controls this very diverse factor, to see in which part of the socio-economic cycle the moment of that impression is, and how it relates to idealization. The approach procedure to an object of curiosity is not made public, because the approach strategy belongs to unconscious creativity and is deciphered through dialogue. The dialogue must start as soon as possible. SONVEST joins the medical science discussion on quality of life. Some are satisfied with administration for a few days in a psychiatric bed with the nurse supervising. The one who needs the adrenaline of promiscuity of a club has a different SONVEST in role-playing identification and a superior economic coordinate, but not preferable, because the rich are infinitely more boring. Most important is the relationship with the sense of own value of the new experience, and what exactly makes it exotic. The luckiest are those to whom it would say nothing and politely ignore it. Too rarely do they reach SONVEST because it is the last place where there is a standard of normality. Your Honor, I am attaching the newspaper article to illustrate that young people react based on incentives coming from us. It is the pressure to conform that brings hallucinogenic use. A thing is denied to whom desires it most. A system of copying copies cannot understand the original, and this is the meaning of any diaspora. SONVEST reveals the circle that begins with the street and the television and ends with the prison, to refer primarily to the immediate: how one avoids a bad choice. There is a pain in every good thing: the guitarist and the saxophonist's fingers ache, the electrician gets dizzy at the height and the surgeon cuts into the good tissue to heal. You save a life when you give the man a link to reality, but the reality becomes that of the tested man, and it is one of frustration that banning the test pill saves more lives. The test pill is a key element in the calculation of the pharmaceutical industry. The test pill is part of a youth campaign that is not in line with Christian morality. The claim that all the reactive chemical components in the test pill are known, with all the biodiversity, is risky. There is a serious confusion between the policeman and the doctor, grotesquely suburban. I am sorry I took the pill, next time I am going to refuse it, to avoid putting any sane person out of legality, which apparently is all it is designed for. Others want it for sure, but I do not, too easy a gift for my enemies, to ask for it for themselves. I report a good understanding of law and order. "Aladdin's Chronicles" can be found at and it is a dead line parking for silent demise. The American publisher did not and will never pay me a dime, and they are happy with an intimidated and potentially dead author. From Temeswar I returned to the workshop in Sibiu, strada 9 mai no. 50, resulting in hours of media material, including "A Gram of Minutes." They are published for free and invisible to the public, because their attitude is rightly disturbing. I am censored and sent to prison by the technological act of the political police.

Appendix from the article:

"We specify that Fentanyl and Oxycodone represent the most dangerous high-risk drugs currently on the market, frequently having a lethal effect.

Fentanyl is an extremely powerful synthetic opioid intended for terminal cancer patients and for pain management during surgery and is available only on prescription.

It has been determined based on specialized medical studies that Fentanyl is 100 times more powerful than morphine and 30 to 50 times more powerful than heroin.

According to data published on the website of the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) "it is so powerful and deadly that even one microgram can kill a man." 

According to the same source, in 2022 Fentanyl was linked to more than two-thirds of the 110,000 overdose deaths in the United States. In response to this alarming situation, at the initiative of the American government, the Global Coalition on Threats Associated with Synthetic Drugs was established, in which Romania also participates.

From the point of view of illicit traffic, the trafficking and making available to drug users of this synthetic opioid (much stronger than heroin), represents, as in the case of Oxycodone, a major risk factor for public health.

Oxycodone is an opioid analgesic produced by the pharmaceutical industry and used for the treatment of severe pain, it is part of the category of drugs with a special regime and can be dispensed in pharmacies only on the basis of a medical prescription as it presents a major risk of addiction."

Jazz people should watch out for everyone is bad in another story and people assume that you are a drug user and they subject you to all sorts of tests which include cheap evidence planting leading to years in prison so my advice is never to accept the testing pill which is part of a witch hunt and not offered in good faith because I just did it with an expense of thousands in lawyer fees.